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Li Kai


-Ho Li Kai
-16,alive and kicking~
-Sophisticated person
-Composed and calm ~

Holispirit; Pursuer-Of-Wisdom.

Desires and Wishes

- Straight A's for my A LvLs
- Meeting new friends in my new JC
- The will of a Spirit (1/4 left)
- Moltivation To Study


CBOX recommended.

My "Loves"

-My Badminton racket
-My Wii~
-Friends and Family
-Gibson J-45 Custom (Acoustic Guitar)
-Gibson SG Standard (Electric Guitar)

.Bing Rong
.Gek Hwee

Pachelbel - Cannon in D (piano -

Copyrighted, 2008.

Image: ~eternalfullmoon
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

New year

Happy chinese new year everyone.

It has seemed like an eternity since I touched this blog. My 'O' level results have already been released quite some time ago and... well apparently I got 11 for my L1R5. 1 point away from my target, but nevertheless, I'm quite happy with it. I applied for CJC, and I got accepted (Woohoo!!)

Ok moving on, I want to share something about JC life. It's actually not as fun and "slack" as a number of people perceive it to be. Darn, I've met so many "Terrys" (Terry is a dude in my secondary school class who always mugs like mad), and all of them have similar aggregate scores
and really are the type of people who do a lot of work.
The subjects are no joke either, it requires much more work and effort from an individual in order to score. Ok, anyone who already knows all this stuff and is thinking "Ahh bullshit man, just move on with your story", then this is the part you should be happy about as I'm moving on :)
Thankfully, CJC has quite a number of activities planned for their students such as an awesome orientation, Rockefella (a rock concert), and overseas trips.

Anyway, I just have to say my post-Olevel holidays were really fun, too bad it didn't felt as long as I thought it would be. Hanging out with BryanC and Gerry to jam every once in a while really makes me super "high"

Chinese new year is approaching, time to see all dysfunctional family members and give them the same reply to their questions: "I'm 17 and I'm in a JC".
Standard, most of them are going to ask me "What school", "What subjects" and "What ambitions". Being a person who dislikes thinking too much about the future, I'll often get thoroughly annoyed with these questions. Oh well, that's life.

Time to get some rest, I'll update soon.

Pursuer-Of-Wisdom / Holispirit

6:45 AM

Monday, October 12, 2009

O levels soon

Hello world,
This is one of the rare moments that i get to blog. Have to relieve my stress by surfing the net and blogging at night. Still, i cannot help but worry about what is going to happen.
I'm still hopeful about the day the examinations arrive.
8-10 points??? Definitely.

Pursuer Of Wisdom

9:53 AM

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rare chance

Hello world,
Ok, this is one of the rare chances i have to blog, so i am going to make full use of it. Today is friday (technically saturday as it has passe 12), 2 more days before the preliminary examniations continue. Once again, i feel a lot of pressure and apprehension.
Still, i have to find some way to overcome this. Anyway, yesterday i went to brasbasah to get a new set of strings and a string cutter. Incidentally, i saw some new gibson guitars displayed in Swee Lee. The most outstanding 1 would have to be the reverse flying V. Not only did it look badass, but the sound was awesome, very bright and nice tone. The dude from swee lee was nice and allowed me to try it. Really a cool guitar.

Currently, i still have roughly about a 6 more days of examinations before it ends and then it will be a month before the dreaded O level exams arrive.. Really hoping i can do well enough to get about 8-10 points.

Ok, academics aside, i have noticed somethings a teenager has to go through during his or her early teenage years (this is under emotional changes).
Many, ok ALMOST EVERY teenager (except me) would tend to become exceptionally 'emo' at around 13/14. Nope, don't ask me why. Its just natural. They would feel the whole world is against them and they are somehow the loneliest beings on the planet.
Well if you ask others about the solution to this ridiculous matter, they would either tell you that these 'kids' will get over it, or send them for mindless counselling.
For me, I just tell them listen to a little AC/DC or rock n' roll song. That will do the trick, haha.

Ok, had fun blogging. Thats it today people, stay healthy, keep safe,

and Good Night.

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10:21 AM

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Last post, for now

Hello world,
Not posting very often due to upcoming O levels examinations. Just wanted to make a short post about something recently. Sometimes defaming can be a lowly and unscrupulous action don't you think?

Incidentally, my pal kaho's stead has recently been the target of cyber bullying. Quite sad and pitiful but it would be meaningless to simply get angry and retaliate mindlessly. Hello world,
Not posting very often due to upcoming O levels examinations. Just wanted to make a short post about something recently. Sometimes defaming can be a lowly and unscrupulous action don't you think?

Incidentally, my pal kaho's stead has recently been the target of cyber bullying. Quite sad and pitiful but it would be meaningless to simply get angry and retaliate mindlessly. If you ask me, I feel that the culprit is really naïve and childish. On top of that, he is probably a rather sad and revengeful person, considering his superfluous actions. In one of his comments, he questioned my intelligence.
No doubt, I am no genius. Yet, I am much more intelligent than people who would simply resort to such tactics to get back at people they dislike; while leaving decisive evidence for people to guess their “elusive” and “hard to find” identity.
Very impressive.. Not their actions, but their attitude towards this. They feel no remorse over the things they have did so far.
And if you have noticed, I used to word “they”. Yes more than one culprit. Sadly to say, I have come to a conclusion that the culprits are some people which I know and not want to get into trouble.
Quite sad, hiding under that poorly cultivated façade. Lying to their friends such as myself to create a “strong” alibi and more importantly, not admitting to their mistakes.
This is out of my hands and I have decided to just let nature takes its course instead of confronting with the culprits (which I have found out thanks to some juicy information my other sources have shared with me)
There happens to be a cycle known as karma, if you do not believe in it, so be it. Besides, how long can they continue your little gimmick?
PS: Another friend of mine have already deduced this little “riddle” as well

2:31 AM

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Chinese Oral OVER!!

Yes, as stated. ITS OVER PEOPLE!! No need to ever worry about stammering ridiculously in front of the examiner anymore. Even so, todays oral went mysteriously well.
The question asked for the conversation segment was.. Easy.
Really very lucky.. Indeed, heaven works in such a cryptic manner, so if theres one thing i have learnt, do not begrudge anything god has planned for you, sometimes, its for the greater good.

To all my friends having oral tomorr.. Oops, i meant today since it passed 12.
Good luck

And once again cheers to all my classmates who did their oral examination today!!

9:39 AM

Monday, July 6, 2009

Quick and effective

Recently, i have seen some of my friends fight over different matters respectively. Well, to be frank, its rather hilarious !! Cracked me up after a long day, thanks people!!

But my main point is, i understand how all my friends feel towards these kind of fights.. But, there are other better ways to solve these misunderstandings besides all the ending friendships kind of stuff.
Take my advice, have a good talk.

Holispirit SG

7:09 AM

Monday, June 22, 2009


Hey people,
Finally writing after a long long while.. Ok just a quick post. I shall sum up EVERYTHING i did during the june holidays. Just a quick summary, any questions please feel free to ask.
1. Chinese O-level examination, oh god, this was really nerve wreaking. Like honestly, i felt like my pee could come out anytime. Nope, not exaggerating, i am SERIOUS!! But still.. i managed to get pass it and hey, i think i can get at least a B4 haha
(considering i always have borderline passes for chinese Gulps*)
2. Went jamming in a studio found near bugis. You cannot believe how big the amps are, breathtaking...Really wanna go back there to try it out again. My gibson rocked!!!!

3. My taiwan friend came to stay in my humble abode for 2 weeks. Very fun i have to admit. He was a very talented guitarist and drummer haha. Yes Benson, if you are reading this, please thank me :)

4. I went for the yoghurt product competition in singapore polytechnic. 19 schools participated. AND GUESS WHAT??? MY TEAM WON HAHAHA (only 500$ in prize though)... But we were in the newspaper - Lian He Zao bao (chinese newspaper). Yeah, so if you did see us, good haha.

Alright thats it, i need my rest now. I will update soon


9:40 AM